In this political cartoon you see a young boy with a huge, heavy backpack with big bold words on it saying "college tutioton." The older man in the suit is saying, "oh stop bellyaching, its just 5% more than last year!" This cartoon is bringing attention to how the cost of college tuition only increases, it has never dercreased. There has been no progress or useful action to lower the cost of college here in the United States. Kids are going to be less motivated to go to college when they have that heavy burden of college tution constanly on their shoulders.
In this political cartoon a young girl, who looks to be a college student on there first day, is walking up to a campus info booth for dorm check-in and asking the supervisor for an extra bed because "(her) folks sold their house for (her) tuition." Her parents are behind her with suitcases, sleeping bags and depressed looks on their faces. The cartoon is trying to show how parents are doing everything and anything to send there kids to college. In Fidelity Investment's 10th Annual College Savings Indicator Study its reports showed that 73 percent of parents are putting away a median amount of $300 per month for their child's college. Of those actively saving, 66 percenthave a financial plan in place and 41 percent are taking advantage of 529 college saving plans.
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